सेवाएं शुरू करें
हमारी 5-चरणीय प्रक्रिया सेवाओं को शुरू करना आसान बनाती है। एक रेफरल सबमिट करके प्रारंभ करें और हम आपको वहां से मार्गदर्शन करेंगे।
1. रेफ़रल करें
कृपया नीचे दिए गए हमारे रेफरल फॉर्म को भरें और ईमेल, फैक्स या मेल द्वारा वापस लौटें। आप भी कर सकते हैं संपर्क करें एक रेफरल बनाने के लिए।
सुविधाओं के भीतर समूह सत्रों के लिए, कृपया हमसे संपर्क करें एक बैठक स्थापित करने के लिए जहां हम आवश्यक आवृत्ति, समूह आकार और संबोधित किए जाने वाले लक्ष्यों पर चर्चा कर सकते हैं।
2. एक सेवन शेड्यूल करें
सेवन एक मौखिक बातचीत है जिसमें प्रतिभागी की उपचार टीम के महत्वपूर्ण सदस्य शामिल होते हैं। हम प्रतिभागी की खूबियों, जरूरतों और प्राथमिकताओं के बारे में बात करेंगे। यह प्रक्रिया टीम को तालमेल बनाने और लक्ष्य योजना में संगीत चिकित्सक की सहायता करने की अनुमति देती है।
4. एक उपचार योजना विकसित करें
इस प्रक्रिया में 3 सत्र तक का समय लगेगा। एक बार मूल्यांकन सत्र पूरा हो जाने के बाद, आपका संगीत चिकित्सक आपके लिए एक योजना विकसित करेगा।
5. सत्र शुरू करें
आपको प्रत्येक सप्ताह एक स्थायी नियुक्ति दी जाएगी। सत्रों के दौरान, चिकित्सीय हस्तक्षेपों में वाद्ययंत्र बजाना, संगीत की ओर बढ़ना, गाना, संगीत सुनना और गीत लेखन शामिल हो सकते हैं।
We are registered with the Department of Human Services in the state of Pennsylvania and can accept some medical assistance insurances. If you are enrolled with PerformCare (previously CBHNP) and your child is between the ages of 3-21, they may be eligible for coverage of music therapy services to address their behavioral health needs.
We are a credentialed provider for PerformCare. Music therapy services provided through medical assistance, are only available in our approved outpatient office location at 119 N 8th St. Lebanon, PA.
Hospice music therapy services are considered part of a patient's care plan and therefore, eligible to be funded through CMS monies provided to the hospice agency. We provide hospice music therapy services per diem for hospice agencies and care facilities that choose to elect a music therapist as part of the interdisciplinary care team. We also serve people who desire to privately pay for services.
Artistic/cultural programs are specifically mentioned in Attachment 1 of the Federal regulations for IDEA '97 as "other developmental, corrective, or supportive services (such as artistic and cultural programs, art, music, and dance therapy) if they are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education in order for the child to receive FAPE" (U.S. Department of Education, 1999a, p. 12548) If the IEP team determines that music therapy is an appropriate related service for a child, the team's determination must be reflected in the child's IEP, and the service must be provided at the public's expense and at no cost to the parents. For more information, please visit the Music Therapy and Special Education Fact Sheet located on the AMTA website.
Several families have successfully received grant funds to cover the cost of music therapy. Contact us to find out your options.
We are experienced in providing group music therapy in a wide variety of settings:
group homes
work centers
adult day programs
therapeutic summer camps
support groups
skilled nursing facilities
continuing care retirement communities
addiction and recovery centers
To develop a music therapy program designed for the needs of the participants and the agency, thorough discussion on these topics is essential:
participants' strengths and needs
scheduling and frequency
location of session
documentation needs
Music therapy groups can be funded through a variety of options such as:
county waivers
private agencies
entertainment budget